marți, 19 iunie 2012

Grupul Impact prezentat la Conferinta ALA

Constantin Mituca, membru al Grupului Impact, Metodist la BJ Gorj, este invitat la Conferinta Asociatei Americane a Bibliotecilor (ALA) unde va prezenta activitatea Grupului Impact.

Succes Costi!


Innovative Practices: Developing Sustainable Programs, Mobilizing Support for Your Library! - IRRT Preconference

8:30 am - 1:00 pm

($75, followed by lunch, plan to stay until 3pm) –

Anaheim Convention Center - 201C

Learn about & discuss four interesting case studies, featuring partnerships, teamwork, and collaborations with global perspectives:

» China and the United States: Playing a leadership role in International Collaboration –

Experiences from a Grant Project, presented by Shuyong Jiang, University of Illinois at


» Kenya National Library Service and Maria’s Libraries: Notes from Kenya: testing

innovative approaches and leapfrogging technologies through a network of libraries,

for the social, political, and economic development of communities in resource-poor

settings, presented by Ariel Schwartz, University of Texas at Austin; Eva Kaplan,

Maria's Libraries, Kenya

» Nepal, India, Egypt, Guatemala and Tanzania and the United States: A Solution in Sight: A Global Partnership to Improve Access to Ophthalmic Information in Developing

Countries, presented by Pamela Sieving, National Institutes of Health Library; Suzanne

Gilbert, Seva Foundation; Bette Anton, University of California at Berkeley; Katherine

Judson, Seva Foundation

» Romania and the United States: Romania’s Impact Group A Success Story: Evaluating

IREX’s Biblionet Program and Seeking Sustainability, presented by Constantin Mituca,

Gorj County Public Library, Romania

»Participate in the workshop session, "Library Partnerships: What Benefits Your Users?" conducted by Susan Schnuer & Barbara Ford, the Mortenson Center for International Library Programs

» Examine how to identify, maintain, and assess partnerships that will support the mission of your library and meet the needs of your users.

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